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The hunt is one of the intangible-cultural heritage themes of the Grenzkultur project. The contribution of the Dutch visual artist @LoesHeebink, in collaboration with sound designer Marinus Groen (support Media Art Festival), is a contemporary artistic representation of this theme. "The connection that humans have through the animal with nature is the starting point for this work of art. If we look closely and listen to what animal behaviour can tell, humans can also learn a lot about themselves. We can learn how nature functions, but conversely, the sharpened senses of animals can help humans, e.g. to harvest from nature for food supply.
The three classical hunting animals, horse, dog and falcon represent the Clemenswerther Flüsterer, they are almost invisible and inaudible. We need to open our senses to see them and hear their "message."
The animals consist of recycled transparent material (Greencast®) and each produces its characteristic sound. The shapes of the animals and the sounds are thin and silent, the environment and people remain visible through transparency and reflection so that everything merges."
Grenzkultur is a collaborative project of van Emsländische Landschaft, Kunst & Cultuur Assen, Province of Drenthe, Emsland Museum Lingen.